Scrambling in the Serra de Tramuntana. Ascents and ridges
Not so long ago, in the island of Mallorca the Puig Major (highest point of the Balearic Islands) was also known as the Mallorquin Mont Blanc. This was because during the winter season it remained covered by a blanket of snow. Obviously the climate change has ruined this scenary because now if it snows, luckily it lasts just a couple of days. Aniway and luckily for us, we still have the astonishing high mountains of the Serra de Tramuntana with its calcareous walls, their abysses and long ridges from where we can appreciate the sea on both sides. The meaning of scrambling, in mountaineering slang is an excursion through rugged terrain that involves the use of the hands to keep on going. Maybe we could define it as mountaineering, climbing or “ridgering”
Do not miss the oportunity to discover the technical routes of the Serra, as probably, is where you will be able to find the real essence of the Mallorquin mountaineering. If you have any technical route in the Serra de Tramuntana that you want to enjoy, simply contact with us and we would be very pleased to help you.
I need to take:
Mountain boots, comfortable and warm clothes (according to the season), water and food.
Once you make the reservation we will inform you about additional requirements that you may need according to the season.
Scramblings & Alpine Ascents and ridges in Mallorca

Penyal d'es Migdia - Puig Major (1400m)
Ascents and ridges. Scrambling in Fornalutx & Escorca. Top of Mallorca
The Migdia peak is the second highest peak in the Balearic Islands and is Located in the western part of the Puig Major massif. The ascent is performed by the southwestern face and then you go down along the north face, covering the entire ridge that faces the Sóller valley, which all together closes an spectacular circular route. The last 100m before you get to the top (with a maximum height of 1400m) and the ridge that communicates with the Penya d’es Migdia force us to help us with the hand to keep going (easy climbing), and also on a small part going dow. The main feature of this activity are the truly spectacular views that you enjoy from the top where you can see, on clear days, the whole Mallorca island, the other Balearic Islands and with some luck the coastline of Catalonia and Valencia. The Archduke Luis Salvador describes the views as the best ones from the Western mediterranean.
From 1 to 4 people, from 70,00€ / person
Difficulty With previous experience
Distance and elevation: 7km y 700m
Duration: 5h
Schedule: Mornings. Sample departure, 8.30h
Availability: From September to June, depending on meteorology
Cresta de Son Torrella
Scrambling in Sóller, Fornalutx and Escorca. Son Torrella ridge
Very few people can imagine that in the Serra de Tramuntana you can also practise mountaineering in the modality of ridges. Oriented from southwest to northeast and with 90km of lenght, the Serra de Tramuntana in its central area has a line of ridges above a thousand meters. There is one which outstands for its spectacularity and lenght: Son Torrella ridge. During the whole lenght of more than 4 kilometers and a maximum height of 1123m, it surprises with several rappels of 20m, different climbings of easy level IIIº and some technical sections with aereal narrow passages. Probably one of the most rewarding and spectacular activities to practise among the wide range offered by the Mallorca mountains.

1-2 people 290,00€
Difficulty With previous experience
Distance and elevation: 9km & 600m
Duration: 5h
Schedule: Mornings. Sample departure, 8.30h
Availability: From September to June, depending on meteorology

Scramblings & Alpine Ascents "A la Carte"
Serra de Tramuntana. Ascent and ridges
Any technical route which is not in any exclusion area of the Serra de Tramuntana, is at your disposal with the MallorcAlpina guides. According to your preferences and experience, tell us your project or let yourself be advised by our expert director, Eduard Casajuana, in order to enjoy, with all the security needed, the most spectacular and wild itineraries.
From 1 to 4 people, from 70,00€ / person
Difficulty With previous experience
Schedule: Morning. Sample departure, 8.30h
Availability: From September to June, depending on meteorology